We gathered early morning at Munich Central Station and set off via train to Dachau Station, when we arrive at Dachau Station, we change to a bus and finally arrived at our destination.
Munich Central Station (München Hauptbahnhof)
I went during the winter, and I’m not sure if it was me or the temperature had just dropped another 5 degree, it was absolutely freezing cold. Before we went in the front gate, outside the camp, the guide told us that it is in this kind of weather, the prisoners were made to stand for long period of hours with just what they were wearing (of course, there are no whatsoever animal fur, wool jackets, etc).
Arbeit macht frei - Literally means – “Work makes free”
The prisoners are given the perception that only by working, you will have a chance to be free. That of course, is a complete lie.
Our tour begins and we were led to a building where you will find pictures, stories and information about Hilter, the camp’s purpose, the experiments that they conduct on humans and ways in which the prisoners are tortured.
prisoner's bunk
We were then brought to the “bunks” where the prisoners slept, the beds look really uncomfortable and if I remembered clearly, a room was filled with people 3 times its capacity. No heater during the winter, no air-conditioner during the summer, no nothing.
Before we were taken to another part of the camp, we were told not to eat or drink and at all times give the utmost respect. It was told that the area we will be entering was the area where all dead bodies are sent for cremation as well as where execution takes place. The prisoners at the main area was not allowed to enter, however, when they see the smoke that came from the burning, all knew exactly what was happening.
execution ground
gas chamber
To be honest, I was a little terrified. To see the exact spot where thousands died and the furnace that was used to cremate countless bodies was a little disturbing. I remember a room where there are shower nozzle on the ceiling, the prisoners are "tricked" to being rewarded a revitalising shower but instead toxic gas were "rewarded". To no surpise, I did not stay long in the room, to be exact, I did not stop but just walk past the room swiftly.
By the time the tour ended for that area, I was nearly frozen, I remembered just wanting to go back to the main camp building and sit on the “heater seats”. My wish did came true and we were brought back to watch a documentary which I’ve totally forgotten about it.
The "jail" for people regarded as "highly dangerous"
The tour ended with a visit to another building with “jail-like” structure where people who are regarded as "highly dangerous" are placed here. We saw the cell where a famous assassinator was jailed, apparently, he nearly succeeded bombing Hilter.
All in all, it was definitely a freezing but eye opening experience.. If u guys ever visit Munich, be sure to spare some time to join the Dachau Concentration Camp tour.
Note: *all photos are taken from wikipedia and google image*
I was freezing and my camera phone died due to the weather..
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